

We believe coaching is a significant and powerful contributor to addressing organizational change and talent development goals. Many of our programs include recommendations for one-to-one or team coaching as we have found that this has a significant impact on the motivation and development of your individuals and ensures that participants reach their development goals.


The most talented people in your organization are an asset. Preparing them for their next role ensures their performance is at an optimal level. Coaching prepares people for future roles and provides a solid base.

Offering coaching is a clear signal that you value them and are ready to support them through their transition to being your top leaders of tomorrow.

Coaching provides a confidential forum in wich key people can consider the roles where they add greatest value.

It has a significant impact on the motivation and development of your talented leaders, making it more likely that the will stay with your organization.

-Inclusieve arbeidsmarkt

Executive coaching is customized to your needs as an individual leader in the context of your role and organization, and delivered to professionally accredited standards.


Transition coaching supports managers during periods of change and transition.

When leading change, you will have your own needs to meet and you will be more effective if you are able to pay attention to these needs within the transition. These needs often get lost in the complexities of supporting everyone else through the process.

The time to think through the implications of change for yourself, or think more creatively about how to deal with unforeseen difficulties is often in short supply. Transition coaching supports you as a manager on a short-term basis.


In high-performing teams all the relationships within the team work well, all members have a clear focus and understand their and their organization’s goals and needs. We work with your team to help you build effective relationships and understand the team dynamics. The aim of team coaching work is to enable your team to have higher quality conversations. From good conversations come good ideas, decisions and direction.

We work with reality, observing and reviewing existing processes in your organization, such as in regular meetings and interactions. Transparent feedback enables your team to understand how the way they relate to each other helps or hinders effective working.

Through these reviews, we support your team to implement the recommended changes. If necessary we combine the work with one-to-one coaching.

– Individual Career Coaching

-Teambuilding events

We customise your company away-days to ensure they are fun, engaging and developmental.

Leadership and People skills Programs

Our leadership and people skill programs have been designed tot help you deal with te range of leadership challenges that arise at every state of your career. Each intensive course give you the tools and techniques you need to become the best leader you can be.

  • Leadership Lab

The Leadership Lab is a 2,5 day intensive program for leadership development. En hier moet dan nog meer tekst komen.

Link naar www.hetleadershiplab.nl

– Personal Branding & leadership Identity

“You are a brand.

No one else sees the world

the way you do

So no one else can tell the stories

you have to tell.

(Charles de Lint)”

Personal branding maakt zichtbaar wie jij bent. Jouw ‘merk’ is een uniek persoonlijk en professioneel verhaal. Een kans om je imago te managen, ook vóórdat je ergens binnenstapt.

Het ontwikkelen van een persoonlijk merk is meer dan een online strategie, en veel meer dan zelfpromotie. Jouw persoonlijke merk begint bij jouw essentie: waar wil jij om bekendstaan? Wat is de toegevoegde waarde van samenwerken met jou?

Er zijn vast en zeker meer mensen met dezelfde opleiding als jij. Er is er echter maar één met  jouw talenten, visie, waarden, persoonlijkheid en ervaring. Er zijn vast ook veel bedrijven die hetzelfde product of dezelfde dienst leveren als jouw onderneming. Maar het verhaal van jouw bedrijf is uniek. Jouw persoonlijke verhaal is wat jou onderscheidt van de rest. Het is mijn expertise om de essentie van jouw verhaal aan de buitenkant zichtbaar te maken.

Interim Management

Custome development programs

– Talent Program

We work in partnership with you to design the right talent program to address your organization’s needs.

We do this in four stages: (1) the design phase to ensure we meet your objectives and deliver the desired results; (2) pre-program preparation so participants are readied and engaged; (3) impactful program delivery; and (4) follow-up to ensure the program leads to the agreed targets.

Our programs are designed to be pragmetic. They are underpinned by theory but involve plenty of opportunity for experimentation. This is essential to ensure participants develop muscle memory so that they have the confidence to make changes back at work. Our programs allow time for both individual and group reflection to deepen the learning. We make participants accountable for their own development experiences as well as how this translates back into their daily roles.

-HR, coaching and consulting

Our HR, coaching and consulting programs will provide you with invaluable insights and practical solutions. They are ideal if you need to add greater value as a consultant, lead your organization through change, become a more insightful coach or formulate a winning HR strategy.

Rising Star Network

  • Young talented Stars

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